Thanks to our funders
Everyone at the Shewsy would like to say a big Thank You to our funders who have helped us provide vital services over the last year and into 2022:
October 2021
- Kenny O’Connell applied for a grant from The Rushworths Trust for equipment for the Joseph Lappin Music Suite. He was successful in obtaining a grant of £600 towards new equipment for the recording studio and repairs to existing instruments. The new recording studio is looking good and Kenny is currently working on a Shewsy Christmas song to be released soon.
- Shrewsbury House is delivering an Out of School Holiday programme this sOctober half term. Grant funding from OPAL (October Play and Activity Liverpool) via MPAC will contribute towards daily hot meals to replace those missed free school dinners, staffing costs and play/arts equipment. The clubs will also deliver activities over Mischief night, Halloween and Bonfire Night.
September 2021
Shrewsbury House has been successful in obtaining grant funding from P H Holt Foundation. The grant of £11,000 from the ‘P H Holt Resilience Fund’ will contribute towards the staff wages budget for 2021-22. This grant will make a significant difference to the number of children we can work with in afterschool club, senior club and during the out of school holiday schemes.
June 2021
- The Julia and Hans Rausing Trust provided Shrewsbury House with a grant for core operational costs from their ‘Youth Centre Recovery Fund’. The grant was equivalent to six months overhead costs to help The Shewsy to get back on its feet post covid 19.
February 2021
- Sport England ‘Return to Play’ gave Shrewsbury House a grant of £2,800 to start a Bicycle Recycle Project. Halfords, along with local families, donated bikes which were restored and put back into the community. Young people were given the skills to maintain their bikes and repair punctures. During the 2021 lockdown and post lockdown in the summer months staff members have taken groups on cycle days out along the Liverpool loop line and the promenade. A designated space is being converted into a workshop to continue this important activity when bikes are handed in to Shrewsbury House.
December 2020
The Garfield Weston Foundation awarded Shrewsbury House a grant of £60,000 spread over two years for salary costs post covid 19 to enable the centre to remain operational and to provide us with more time to recover from the lack of opportunities to self-generate income for the centre’s future sustainability. This generous grant from Garfield Weston came just at the right time to help us get back on our feet.